Thursday, August 12, 2010

Disservice to Our Children?

In recent years I have noticed a decline in the amount of what I would consider a solid and basic education, within the public school systems (specifically within the high schools). This neglect of education includes but is not limited to American, and English Literature, Art, and naturally History of all types. Since the inception of President Bush's "No Child Left Behind" decree, our children have been horribly denied all I consider vital and basic to a fulfilling education.

Now, I DO NOT condone children dropping out of school, but is there any wonder the drop-out rate is increasing at alarming rates? Our children in this country are not challenged; they are simply told they must meet a certain amount of criteria in order to pass that wonderful test (in Florida it is known as the FCAT) administered at the end of the end of the school year, so their school will be ensured they are granted a set amount of dollars. What is wrong here? What is happening? When my elder daughter was in school, she could not even tell me who Thomas Jefferson was and she was 15 years-old!

I did some research yesterday and this is what I discovered:

"Education Secretary Duncan Announces $115.3 Million for 124 Grants to Improve Teaching of American History

AUGUST 6, 2010
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced the award of $115.3 million to 124 school districts to improve the quality of teaching American history in our nation's schools.

The Teaching American History grant program aims to enhance teachers' understanding of American history through intensive professional development, including study trips to historic sites and mentoring with professional historians and other experts. Projects are required to partner with organizations that have broad knowledge of American history, such as libraries, museums, nonprofit historical or humanities organizations, and higher education institutions.
History is one of the core academic subjects under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Teaching American History grants are funded for a three-year period. They will be awarded to school districts in 40 states, the District of Columbia, and American Samoa.
Note to Editors: Following is a list of grantees by state. Included are the grant recipients, contacts and grant award amount for the first year of the grant."

Following this little announcement, there is a list of major cities within the United States whose school districts will be awarded these monetary grants. There is only one fly in ointment, and that is these are school districts in major US cities...what about my school district which lies well outside the jurisdiction of those major cities?

This is not enough, not enough effort, not enough caring! Why cannot this country go back to the basics of a good education which fosters an inquisitive spirit and mind, as well as a love of learning?

What do you think? I would love hear your opinions on this matter! Please leave me your comments, I am eager to hear your opinion.

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